Vaccine Awareness Social Responsibility Project from Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Students - Biruni Üniversitesi

Vaccine Awareness Social Responsibility Project from Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Students

    Tarih : 18 May 2023 Thursday
Vaccine Awareness Social Responsibility Project from Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Students

    Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Students aim to raise awareness of the society about healthy life with the social responsibility projects they organise every year. Under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Bilge Bayraktar from the Department of Child Health and Diseases, the physician candidates, who determined the theme of the first project as “Childhood vaccines and their effects on our health”, held an event at Florya Uğur College.


    With the scientific and enjoyable presentation they made within the scope of their social responsibility project, our Faculty of Medicine students conveyed the importance of vaccines and their effects on our health to primary school students in an interactive way. The presentation they prepared in Turkish and English was welcomed with interest by Uğur College students.


    We would like to thank our students, especially our project advisor faculty member and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Assoc. Prof.  Bilge Bayraktar, the group representative and the locomotive of the group, our Term 2 student Oğuzhan Uca, who contributed to the preparation of the social responsibility project.